Non-Surgical Ear Pinning in Babies
Non-Surgical Ear Pinning in Babies
Most people don't know that the cartilage in babies' ears can still be molded for about two months after birth. The estrogen that is still in the baby's system from being in the womb keeps the cartilage soft and moldable. What does this mean? This means that infants with ear deformities or prominent ears (ears that "stick out") can be corrected without surgery. This is called ear molding and avoids the need for future ear pinning surgery when the child is older.
Link to Ear Molding Webpage
Fixing Ears that Stick Out in Babies
Ear molding is performed in our office by Dr. Shareef Jandali, a board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Jandali completed plastic surgery residency training at the University of Pennsylvania. His training included time spent at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, where he learned the art and science of infant ear molding.
Non-Surgical Ear Correction with Ear Molding
This procedure is started within the first 3 weeks after birth. It is non-surgical and performed in the office at the first visit. A custom mold is shaped to the infant's ear or ears to correct the prominence or deformity. The average course of molding is 4 to 6 weeks long. The mold is not painful and does not affect feeding or interfere with hearing. It is attached to the scalp with a safe adhesive and can't get wet while in place.
Photos of Our Ear Molding Patients
Insurance Coverage for Infant Ear Molding
Prominent ears or ear deformities in newborns are considered congenital deformities, and molding is therefore considered a medically necessary service. All commercial and state insurances cover newborn ear molding. However, if molding is not performed early after birth, future ear pinning surgery at 5-6 years of age would then be considered cosmetic in nature and not covered by insurance. Dr. Jandali will work with all insurance companies to get coverage for infant ear molding.
Contact Us for an Ear Pinning Alternative with Ear Molding
If your newborn has prominent ears or another ear deformity, contact our office for potential ear molding. Call us at 203-374-0310 to set up an appointment to be seen in the first 3 weeks after your baby's birth - the earlier that molding is started, the better the correction.